
Product Planning

Product Lineups

Features & Benefits

Pricepoints & Merchandising

Margins - FOB to retail calculations.

Product Development

Ideation - Project concept

Industrial Design - interface

Engineering - interface

Creative - interface for paint, decals, finishes

Sample QC - Quality checks for BOM accuracy, fit and function

Marketing - Assistance with in-studio product photography, often at timing of first samples

Testing & Standards - identification and follow through

BOM Creation

Frame - Technical description and cost

Components - Technical descriptions and costs

Finishes - Per component

Country of Origin - Per component

Calculation - Cost of goods


Frames - Identify ideal suppliers according to needs for materials, features, technical aptitude, cost and country of origin (importation duty.)

Components - Identify ideal suppliers according to needs for materials, features, technical aptitude, cost and country of origin (importation duty.)

Assemblers - Identify ideal assemblers for complete bicycles, according to technical aptitude, MOQs, cost and country of origin (importation duty.)

Trading Companies - Identify ideal trading company partners for shipment of service parts and aftermarket components.

Quality Control – Identify 3rd party QC services, as needed, by product type and geographical region.


Negotiation of all aspects of business, including tooling costs, unit prices, complete bicycle prices, quality control and after-service issues.

OEM Services

Forging of assembly factory partnerships

Technical assistance and problem solving at factory level.

Identification and implementation of international standards per country

Negotiation of MOQs

Developmental Travel Planning

Travel schedule optimization based on supply chain logic, developmental timing and geographic location.